Clue #3 - It takes two to tango

It's time to work on the arms of our sweater, and you will need of course 2 of these!

Find the pattern for the size you are knitting below and if you need some help you can check the list of resources at the bottom of this clue!

Children sweater

Sizes: 2 - 3/4 - 5/6 - 7/8 - 9/10 - 11/12 years

Sizes (by height in inches): 36 – 38 1/2/41 - 43/46 - 48/50 - 53/55 - 57/60

INCREASE TIP (sleeve):
Work until 1 st remains before marker, 1 YO, work 2 sts in garter st (the marker is in the middle of the 2 sts), 1 YO. On next round knit yarn overs twisted to avoid holes.

The sleeves are worked in the round.
Cast on 28-28-30-30-32-32 stitches with double pointed needles size 4.5 mm and medium grey Air or grey Nepal. Insert 1 marker thread at the beginning of the round = mid under sleeve. Work rib (knit 1, purl 1) until piece measures 1 ½ inches, change to circular needle size 5.5 mm and then work stocking stitch. When piece measures 2 inches increase 2 stitches mid under sleeve – read INCREASE TIP. Increase in this way every 1 ½-1 ½-1 ½-1 ½-1 ½- 1 ½ inches a total of 5-7-7-9-10-11 times = 38-42-44-48-52-54 stitches. When piece measures 11-13-14-16-17-19 inches loosely cast off. Work another sleeve in the same way.

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Quick knitter? You can see the complete pattern here!

Adult sweater

Sizes: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL

INCREASE TIP (raglan):
All increases are worked from the right side!
Work 1 edge stitch in garter stitch, knit 1, 1 yarn over, work until there are 2 stitches left, 1 yarn over, knit 1, 1 edge stitch in garter stitch. On the next row, purl the yarn overs - to leave holes.

DECREASE TIP (for sleeves):
All decreases are worked from the right side!
Decrease as follows after the 1 edge stitch: Slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch.
Decrease as follows before the 1 edge stitch: Start 2 stitches before the edge stitch and knit 2 together.

Sleeves are worked back and forth separately top down.

Cast on 10-12-12-12-10-8 stitches (including 1 edge stitch in garter stitch in each side) with circular needle size 8 mm and medium grey. Purl 1 row from the wrong side. Then work stocking stitch. On the next row increase 1 stitch in each side - remember INCREASE TIP (raglan)! Increase in this way every 2nd row a total of 13-14-15-16-17-19 times = 36-40-42-44-44-46 stitches. Work 4-4-4-2-2-2 rows without increases. The piece measures approx. 8-8-9-9-10-11 inches. THE PIECE IS NOW MEASURED FROM HERE!

Then cast on 2-2-3-3-4-4 new stitches for armholes at the end of the next 2 rows = 40-44-48-50-52-54 stitches. Continue with stocking stitch with 1 edge stitch in garter stitch in each side. When the piece measures 1 inch decrease 1 stitch in each side - read DECREASE TIP above. Decrease in this way every 3-2-1 ½-1-1-1 inch a total of 6-8-9-10-10-11 times = 28-28-30-30-32-32 stitches. Continue until the piece measures 16-16-15-15-15-14 inches (shorter measurements in larger sizes because of wider neck and longer yoke). Change to circular needle size 7 mm and work 1 row stocking stitch where you increase 2-2-0-0-2-2 stitches evenly on row = 30-30-30-30-34-34 stitches. Then work as follows: 1 edge stitch in garter stitch, work A.1 (= 4 stitches) until there is 1 stitch left, work 1 edge stitch in garter stitch. Work in this way for 1 ½ inches. Cast off with knit over knit and purl over purl - make sure the cast-off edge is not tight. Work one more sleeve in the same way.


=knit from right side, purl from wrong side
=purl from right side, knit from wrong side

Done? Move on to the next clue >>

Quick knitter? You can see the complete pattern here!

Need some help?

Here’s a list of resources to help you with those arms!

Comments (1)

Elisabetta wrote:

Ho un dubbio. Il gettato delle maniche va cominciato al primo ferro dritto come per il pezzo davanti e dietro oppure dopo un giro senza aumenti? Grazie elisabetta

07.12.2017 - 22:22

DROPS Design answered:

Buongiorno Elisabetta. Inizia i gettati al primo ferro diritto, come per il davanti e il dietro. Buon lavoro!

04.01.2018 - 16:21

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